Education Home Page


The Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service is committed to educating the community about fire safety. Our comprehensive education program focuses on personal fire safety and domestic fire safety as a key component of this initiative. All children will receive this valuable information as part of their ‘lifelong learning’ during Key Stages 1 and 2. We hope that by teaching them these critical lessons at an early age, they will be able to grow up to become safer adults. As well as teaching their parents about the importance of smoke alarms and fire safety, children take the fire safety messages home with them.

Throughout the Island, Fire and Rescue staff conduct fire safety presentations in primary and middle schools. In addition to the National Curriculum, the program complies with non-statutory guidelines for PSHE (Personal Social and Health Education) and citizenship. This year’s learning objectives are as follows:

  • Being able to identify matches and lighters as potentially dangerous
  • Knowing that 999 is the number for emergencies
  • Obtaining an understanding of the ‘Stop, Drop, Roll’ procedure
  • Knowing how to crawl in the smoke at a low level

During Year 5, children are taught:

  • An escape plan and smoke detectors are essential
  • What should I do if I receive a fire alarm?
  • What can we do to make our homes a safer place to live?
  • How do I make a 999 call in an emergency?

There are two workbooks at the end of this page that are given to the children in order to reinforce and consolidate the learning objectives. Literacy and numeracy activities are linked to the National Curriculum. The pages can be downloaded for children to use.
