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Services to the Community

Welcome to the Community Safety section of the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service.

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The main focus of this department is on educating people about fire safety. As the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure,” which holds particularly true when it comes to planning a life-saving strategy. Every year, more than four hundred individuals lose their lives due to fires in their homes, which are largely preventable accidents or omissions. Our experience has shown that implementing proper fire safety measures can significantly minimize the risk of accidental fires. In the unfortunate event of a fire, these measures greatly enhance the chances of survival.


In addition to fire safety education and advice for people within their homes this department also works within the community to give support and guidance in the following areas.

  • Fire Safety Education
  • Arson Prevention Strategies, including the young people
  • Firesetters scheme and health schools program
  • Home Fire Safety Checks (domestic)
  • Fire Safety Awareness in residential care homes

We achieved the above by:

  • Providing advice and installing smoke alarms during on-site visits.
  • Delivering presentations to a variety of groups and organizations.
  • Conducting fire safety demonstrations and exhibits.
  • Visiting schools to educate students on fire safety through the school fire safety education program.
  • Addressing all fire safety-related inquiries from the general public.
  • To access further information on the department’s activities, please click on the corresponding title links.